Laughing mature adult African American male doctor listening to patient

Having a colonoscopy is one of the most important things you can do for your health, and when the time comes, it’s completely normal to feel a bit of stress. The anticipation of discomfort, anxiety about the procedure, and the thought of fasting can make anyone feel apprehensive. However, it's important to understand that a colonoscopy is a crucial screening tool for detecting and preventing colorectal cancer


In this comprehensive guide, the experts at UAB Medical West will help ease your fears and provide valuable advice on preparing for a colonoscopy, what the procedure entails, and what you can expect. 

Understanding the Colonoscopy Procedure

Let's begin by exploring the colonoscopy procedure. A colonoscopy is a medical examination to inspect the inside of your colon (large intestine) for abnormalities, such as polyps or signs of colorectal cancer. It involves using a long, flexible tube called a colonoscope with a tiny camera on the end. This device allows your doctor to examine the entire length of your colon and rectum.

The Importance of Colonoscopy

Understanding the  significance of a colonoscopy is one of the most critical aspects of easing your concerns. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world, but it is also one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer. 


Regular colonoscopies can detect and remove precancerous polyps, significantly reducing your risk of developing colorectal cancer. Early detection through colonoscopy can save lives, making it a critical screening tool.

Does a Colonoscopy Hurt?

One of the most common questions about colonoscopies is whether the procedure causes discomfort. The good news is that you will be sedated during the entire process, which means you won't feel a thing! Some folks can experience discomfort afterward, such as bloating or cramping, which is usually mild and temporary.

How to Prepare for a Colonoscopy 

Now that you know the importance of a colonoscopy and what to expect, let's focus on how to prepare for this crucial screening:


Diet and Fasting

Typically, the colonoscopy prep process starts with a clear liquid diet for a day or two before the procedure and fasting the night before. This is necessary to ensure that your colon is completely clean for a clear view during the examination.

- Medications

Inform your UAB Medical West healthcare providers about any medications you're currently taking. They will inform you on which drugs to stop or adjust before the procedure.

Bowel Prep

You will be instructed to drink a bowel preparation solution to clean your colon. This solution will cause frequent bowel movements to ensure your colon is free of obstructions.

- Hydration

It's crucial to stay hydrated during the colonoscopy prep process. Drink plenty of clear fluids like water, clear broth, and sports drinks (without red or purple coloring).

-  Arrange Transportation 

A key part of colonoscopy prep is arranging for a responsible adult to pick you up from the medical facility. Since you'll be sedated during the colonoscopy, you won't be able to drive afterward. 

The Day of Your Colonoscopy

On the day of your colonoscopy, you'll need to follow some essential steps to ensure a stress-free experience. Here are some of the top tips from the Gastroenterology experts here at UAB Medical West: 


Dress Comfortably: Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing for the procedure.


Arrive Early: Arrive at the medical facility on time. The staff will review your medical history and prepare you for the procedure.


Discuss Any Concerns: If you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to discuss them with your healthcare provider or the medical staff. 


Sedation: You will receive sedation medication through an IV line. This will make you relaxed and completely unaware of the procedure while it's happening.

During the Colonoscopy

The colonoscopy procedure typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour. Here's what you can expect during this time:


Positioning: You'll be asked to lie on your left side, and the colonoscope will be gently inserted into your rectum and guided through your colon.


Examination: The camera on the colonoscope allows the doctor to examine the lining of your colon thoroughly. If any polyps or abnormalities are found, they can be removed or biopsied during the procedure.


Monitoring: During the procedure, your vital signs will be monitored to ensure your safety.

After the Colonoscopy

Once the colonoscopy is complete, you'll be moved to a recovery area where you can wake up from the sedation. Here's what to expect in the hours following the procedure:


Rest: You may feel tired and disoriented, so taking it easy for the rest of the day is essential.


Discharge Instructions: Your healthcare providers at UAB Medical West will provide you with discharge instructions, including any specific post-procedure care, dietary recommendations, and when to resume normal activities.


Results: Your doctor will discuss the colonoscopy findings with you after the procedure. You may need to return for follow-up care if any polyps were removed or biopsied.


A colonoscopy is a vital tool for preventing colorectal cancer, and with the proper preparation and understanding, it can be a stress-free experience. When you find yourself asking, “Does a colonoscopy hurt?” remember that you will be sedated and well cared for during the entire process. Still have questions? Contact our GI Lab at UAB Medical West today! 



Don’t Wait! Schedule Your Colonoscopy Today

Proudly serving Birmingham, AL, and beyond, the experts at UAB Medical West specialize in making your colonoscopy experience stress-free. Find a location near you and schedule an appointment today!