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Ozempic Shortage: What You Need to Know

In recent months, there has been a shortage of a drug called Ozempic®. This medication is prescribed for those with Type-2 diabetes to help regulate insulin levels in the body. And while a limited quantity of Ozempic may not mean…

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a person wearing a costume

How To Prevent Heart Disease: Causes & Symptoms

Year after year, there's one top killer of Americans—heart disease. About 697,000 people die of heart disease in America each year. While many of us associate heart problems with the elderly, nearly 20% of heart disease deaths are in those…

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UAB Medical West is Raising Awareness for Heart Disease

  Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women across the United States. It’s often called the “silent killer” because many sufferers don’t experience symptoms until it’s too late. And while developing heart disease can sometimes…

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a glass of wine

Plan Ahead for Your Holiday Party: A Guide

The holiday season is full of travel, stress, and—-yes—celebration. But when stress and celebration mix, our drinking can get out of control quickly. In fact, a study reports that the holiday season accounts for a significant spike in excessive alcohol…

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a woman sitting at a table with a birthday cake

Acute Stress: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

The holidays pose a challenge to everyone—schedules to keep, gifts to buy, and travel arrangements to make. All these things and more can cause stress, anxiety, and even panic—making it even harder to tackle our neverending to-do list. But, stress…

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Orthopedic Holiday Health – Top Travel Tips

The holidays are an exciting season to spend much-needed time with family and friends. However, this often means traveling in a plane, car, or bus. And while many of us would do just about anything for our loved ones, travel…

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a group of people sitting at a table with a plate of food

How To Avoid the ER This Thanksgiving

Many of us associate Thanksgiving with delicious food, time away from work, and relaxation. But for healthcare professionals, it can be one of the busiest, most hectic times of the year. It might surprise you to learn that ER visits…

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a group of people sitting at a table

Balancing Fun & Health for Halloween

We've all heard horror stories about razor blades in chocolate bars, but without foreign bodies, sugar alone can cause real harm to children--especially during October. After eating too much Halloween candy, a variety of health issues for children can occur…

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a woman in glasses looking at the camera

Heart Health Should Not Be Scary

It’s completely normal to be nervous about annual visits to the doctor. The fear of an unknown diagnosis, unfamiliar processes, and more are enough to keep many people at bay from the doctor’s office. While it may seem scary or…

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